Actually there is no really alot of rules.
1.Only Members are entitled to look at the hidden contents(Links)
2.Members are entitled to get monthly updates on MusiMax and Birthday Greetings.
3.Any Suggestions,just tell me straight. =]
To Members:
1.For every post that you want to see its Hidden Content,PLZ do not reply
or other smilies,I hope you can appreciate our uploaders effort by replying a "Thank You" to them.
2.Basically everyone enjoys music,i will suggest you all not to share it to others,but recommend them to come to MusiMax Website to download it. =]
3.I really hope that members can help me in uploading songs of you have.Cos we're a FAMILY.
To Everyone:
There will be a Moderators and Sub-admins positions to be given to few lucky and hardworking and supportive MusiMaxians.
If you're a new MusiMaxians,it will be good if you introduce yourself at the "Chat Box" Sector,also share things like Hotmail,Friendster,and more. =]
I will moniter every members around 1 month and i'll rank them up. =]
So to everyone,support MusiMax!